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Kamiya Biomedical Company


Kamiya Biomedical 是一家生命科學(xué)研究試劑生產(chǎn)商,Kamiya Biomedical開發(fā)用于免疫學(xué)的試劑、科研用ELISA試劑、用于動物/**前研究的ELISA試劑、抗體、生化試劑和其他研究用產(chǎn)品。其主要業(yè)務(wù)模式是提供高品質(zhì)高性價比的產(chǎn)品。

Kamiya Biomedical主要產(chǎn)品線:抗體、生化試劑(如抑制劑)和各種指標(biāo)檢測試劑盒

Immunoassay Reagents
for Chemistry Analyzers
Immunoturbidimetric Assays For
Clinical Diagnostics & Research Use
ISO 13485 
CE Mark
These products can be used on most chemistry analyzers, such as Roche, Cobas, Hitachi, Beckman, Olympus, Siemens, Bayer, Dade, Abbott, Alfa Wassermann, and many more!
Research ELISAs
We manufacture thousands of ELISA kits for research use testing of human samples. Our ELISA catalog spans numerous research interests and we offer many esoteric and difficult to find tests.
Animal/Preclinical ELISAs
We manufacture thousands of ELISA kits for preclinical and research use testing of animal samples. Many of these assay and species combinations cannot be found anywhere else!
We offer more than 1,300 monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies for your needs. Host species include mouse, rabbit, rat, sheep, hamster, guinea pig, goat, and chicken.
We have more than 200 biochemicals. These products include recombinants, substrates, inhibitors, polymerases, inducers, and other useful biochemicals for your lab.
Other Research Products
We offer nearly 300 other research products. For example, we have alternatives to ELISA assays such as colorimetric and fluorescent assays. We also have kits for cell cultures or cryopreservation. Many of these test kits can be used on a wide variety of test samples, both human and animal.

Kamiya Biomedical Company

Kamiya Main Entrance Kamiya Front Entrance Kamiya Front Office
Kamiya Library Kamiya Lab Analyzers Kamiya Lab Analyzers
Kamiya Laboratory Kamiya Laboratory Kamiya Warehouse
Mouseover an image to see an enlarged version.

Kamiya Biomedical Company was founded by Kohji Kamiya in March of 1983 in Thousand Oaks, California and relocated to Seattle, Washington in 1996. Our company's purpose is supplying the life science and medical communities with innovative laboratory research and diagnostic tools of the highest quality. KAMIYA is an independent American company that serves worldwide markets.
Since 1983The company's first products were protein kinase inhibitors, staurosporine and its analog, K252a. Staurosporine was discovered in 1977 by Dr. Satoshi Ohmura who is a 2015 Nobel Prize winner. This was the first commercially available staurosporine. Today, staurosporine is one of the most popular research tools in life science research fields.
Today, KAMIYA's life science product lines include thousands of human and animal biomarker assays for preclinical testing with one of the largest selections of ELISA kits in the world.KAMIYA continues to offer a variety of other life science research products including enzyme inhibitors and monoclonal / polyclonal antibodies for use in a variety of fields including apoptosis, multidrug resistance, oxidative / DNA damage and repair, bone biology, cancer, cardiac health, inflammation, stress, obesity, and diabetes.
In 1997, KAMIYA introduced a full line of clinical diagnostic and research immunoassay products for lipid assessment, coagulation, inflammation, diabetes, nutritional assessment, and serum protein measurement based on immunoturbidimetric technology. The K-ASSAY reagents were developed for use on standard chemistry analyzers, requiring no mixing, dissolving, or dilution of reagent or sample, at an exceptional value.
Recently, KAMIYA has introduced new innovative K-ASSAY chemistry analyzer reagents for Insulin, D-Dimer, Factor XIII, Plasma FDP, Serum/Urine FDP, and Total IgE testing.
KAMIYA now has the broadest product line of liquid serum protein immunoassay reagents of any company in the U.S. We supply clinical diagnostic reagents to leading hospitals, medical centers, clinical laboratories, clinical reference labs, research facilities, distributors, and diagnostic instrument companies worldwide.
Look for KAMIYA BIOMEDICAL COMPANY to continue to offer the life science and medical communities with innovative and cutting edge laboratory research and diagnostic tools.

Kamiya Biomedical Company

被 Kohji Kamiya 在1983年3月在加利福尼亞千橡市于1996年成立,并搬遷到西雅圖,華盛頓。 我們公司的宗旨是提供生命科學(xué)和醫(yī)學(xué)界的**實驗室研究和*高質(zhì)量的診斷工具。 KAMIYA 是服務(wù)于全球市場的獨立的美國公司。

Since 1983 該公司的**個產(chǎn)品是蛋白激酶抑制劑,星形孢菌素及其類似物,K252a。星孢素是1977年由Satoshi Ohmura博士發(fā)現(xiàn)的,她是2015年諾貝爾獎獲得者。這是**種商業(yè)上可獲得的星形孢菌素。今天,星孢素是生命科學(xué)研究領(lǐng)域*受歡迎的研究工具之一。

今天, KAMIYA公司的生命科學(xué)產(chǎn)品線包括數(shù)以千計的人類和動物的生物標(biāo)志物的檢測 與ELISA試劑盒,在世界上*大的選擇之一**前試驗。 KAMIYA 繼續(xù)提供各種其他的生命科學(xué)研究的產(chǎn)品包括酶抑制劑和單克隆/多克隆抗體用于在各種領(lǐng)域,包括細(xì)胞凋亡,多藥耐藥性,氧化性/ DNA損傷和修復(fù),骨生物學(xué),癌癥,心臟健康,炎癥使用,應(yīng)力,肥胖和糖尿病。

1997年, KAMIYA 推出了全系列的**診斷和研究免疫產(chǎn)品的脂質(zhì)評估,凝血,炎癥,糖尿病, 營養(yǎng)評估和血清蛋白的測量基于免疫比濁技術(shù)。 在 K-ASSAY 試劑對標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的化學(xué)分析儀使用而開發(fā)的,無需混合,溶解,或試劑或樣品稀釋,物*所值。

近日,KAMIYA 已經(jīng)推出胰島素, D-二聚體, XIII因子,血漿FDP ,血/尿FDP和總IgE檢測新的** K-ASSAY 化學(xué)分析儀試劑。

KAMIYA 現(xiàn)在有任何一家公司的液態(tài)血清蛋白免疫試劑在U.S.A.我們提供**診斷試劑龍頭醫(yī)院,醫(yī)療中心, **實驗室,**參考實驗室,研究機構(gòu),分銷商和診斷儀世界各地的公司的*廣泛的產(chǎn)品線。 我們提供**診斷試劑,以全球**的醫(yī)院,醫(yī)療中心,**實驗室,**參考實驗室,研究機構(gòu),分銷商和診斷儀公司。.

尋找 Kamiya Biomedical Company 繼續(xù)提供生命科學(xué)和醫(yī)學(xué)界的**和**實驗室研究和診斷工具。

Kamiya Biomedical Company


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