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Genway Biotech



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  • Proteins
  • Antibodies
  • ELISA Kits
  • Secondary Antibodies
  • Reagents
  • Peptides
  • Molecular Biology Products
  • Active Proteins
  • Enzymatic Assays
  • PCR Kits
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  • Infectious Disease
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  • Apoptosis
  • Adipocytokine
  • Cell Cycle
  • Jak STAT
  • mTOR
  • MAPK

  • Genway Biotech公司是為了探索和開發(fā)人類蛋白組而成立的。公司的總?cè)蝿?wù)就是用基因特異性抗體來篩選和鑒定新蛋白、其功能及其編碼基因,旨在成為以抗體介導(dǎo)的蛋白組研發(fā)的領(lǐng)域先鋒?;蚓暪疽殉晒Φ匕l(fā)展出一套有自己知識產(chǎn)權(quán)的、新穎、高效、低耗、高篩選通量的鑒定方法――抗體介導(dǎo)的蛋白和基因鑒定。公司提供大量的高質(zhì)量的蛋白和相應(yīng)的雞抗體產(chǎn)品,是蛋白質(zhì)組學(xué)研究的重要工具和有力助手。

    Genway Biotech公司產(chǎn)品包括:



    Seppro? IgY Microbeads:用來刪除高表達(dá)蛋白以達(dá)到分析低表達(dá)蛋白的目的;或者用來分離高純度的靶蛋白。 ELISA試劑盒:人類高表達(dá)蛋白ELISA試劑盒(使用IgY抗體);以及兒茶酚胺及生物胺ELISA試劑盒


    Laboratory ProductsThousands of reagents and kits to support researchers
  • ELISA Kits
  • Antibodies
  • Proteins
  • Peptides
  • Expression systems
  • ...and more
  • Custom ServicesHigh quality solutions for all custom projects
  • Protein Expression
  • Antibody Development
  • ELISA Development
  • Zika VirusELISA Kits & Proteins Available
    View our selection of ELISA kits and proteins for Zika Virus research.
    Serum DepletionProtein Marker Discovery Products
    Remove highly abundant proteins to dig deeper into the proteome
    Antibody ServicesGet The Exact Antibody You Need
    Includes full service polyclonal, monoclonal, single chain, GMP, and more.

    美國Genway Biotech公司是美國的有名雞源抗體公司,提供大量的高質(zhì)量的蛋白和相應(yīng)的雞抗體產(chǎn)品。

    As a leading protein and antibody solutions provider, Genway Biotech has a proprietary technology platform and an international network to provide our clients with solutions and applications for proteins, antibodies, assays, and cell lines. We specialize in recombinant proteins and domain-specific IgY (chicken) antibodies and their applications, such as Seppro® products and difficult-to-express proteins. GenWay’s technology and expertise make high-quality protein antigens that enable production of high-quality antibodies and related applications.

    Protein Expression Services

    Genway Biotech provides customized solutions to each protein expression project. Our expert scientific staff has experience with difficult proteins and have produced more than 2,500 recombinant proteins. Whether your needs are small scale research or large scale cGMP, we can apply our experience to meet your needs. Services include E. coli expression, Mammalian expression, Yeast expression, and Antigen Preparation. Please use our convenient online Protein Expression Quote Form if you would get a quote or schedule a call to discuss your needs.

    E. coli Custom Protein Expression ServicesGenway Biotech recombinant protein production in E. coli provides services for antigen production, ligand preparation, and proteins for binding assays, cell based assays, enzymatic assays, vaccine development and therapeutics. Our proprietary platforms can produce functional recombinant proteins, domain specific fragments, fusion proteins, and protein complexes. We understand the need for active proteins, free of impurities, to produce clean reproducible results.View our ISO13485 compliant protein development, validation, and production options.The following is our E. coli custom protein expression development template:

    Order Process Details
    Step 1 Bioinformatic analysis, domain selection and vector design GenWay conducts bioinformatic analysis on target(s) and recommends an expression strategy to each client. Sequence verified cDNAs are provided by the client, supplied by GenWay, or are purchased from available commercial sources.
    Step 2 Prepare subcloning plasmid and construct expression vectors Using GenWay's vector system with the most appropriate strategy to construct vectors.
    Step 3 Target sequence analysis and confirmation Conduct DNA sequencing and analysis to confirm correct coding and flanking sequence.
    Step 4 Cell transformation and expression clone preparation Use GenWay’s proprietary expression cell lines and prepare expression cell clone.
    Step 5 Protein production and purification Express protein in a small scale culture, collect and lyse cells, isolate and purify protein. If the protein is not soluble, then the processes of solubilization and refolding will be initiated.
    Step 6 Quality control test Conduct SDS-PAGE analysis and generate QC report.
    Step 7 Scale-up production and quality control test Produce and purify target proteins at a large scale.
    Step 8 Characterization of target protein (including functional studies) 1. Determine purity in conjunction with client specifications.
    2. Employ a functional assay method provided by client or to be specifically developed.
    3. Utilize immunoassays such as western blot analysis, ELISA, etc, after antibodies are produced or provided.
    Each protein has its unique biochemical feature in the expression process. GenWay's team will work with the client to develop the best strategy and use the most cost-effective process.Purification Methods
    1. Affinity Chromatography
      • Anti-Flag
      • Glutathione Sepharose
      • Heparin Sepharose
      • Ni-NTA
      • Protein A
      • Protein G
      • Streptavidin Sepharose
      • Talon resin
    2. Ion Exchange Chromatography
      • ANX
      • CM Sepharose
      • DEAE Sepharose
      • Mono-Q
      • Q Sepharose Fast Flow
      • Q Sepharose XL
      • Resource Q
      • SP Sepharose
    3. Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography
      • (CH2)n Sepharose
      • Phenyl Sepharose
    4. Size Exclusion Chromatography
    Optional Services
    1. Tag Removal
    2. Endotoxin Removal
    3. Protein solubilization and refolding

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