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7. HIV-1重組蛋白和抗體

8.抗體; Trsanscription因子和RNA加工

9.抗體; 癌癥,信號(hào)轉(zhuǎn)導(dǎo)

10.抗體; 免疫學(xué)

11.抗體; 染色體,細(xì)胞分裂和檢查點(diǎn)

12.抗體; 表觀遺傳學(xué)和染色質(zhì)

13; 抗體; 蛋白酶體,泛素和SUMO

14.抗體; 分化,胚胎學(xué)和干細(xì)胞生物學(xué)

15.抗體; 生殖生物學(xué)

16.抗體; 腦和神經(jīng)科學(xué)

17.抗體; 病毒和感染因子

18.抗體; 植物生物學(xué)(即將上市)

19.雜項(xiàng); 細(xì)胞系.LeukoCatch(去除和收集白細(xì)胞)


目錄編號(hào) 項(xiàng)目 存儲(chǔ) 海外價(jià)格(美元)  
02-001 Taq DNA聚合酶(+ dNTPs) 和標(biāo)準(zhǔn)緩沖液 200 ü -20℃ 51 添加到購(gòu)物車
02-001-5 Taq DNA聚合酶(+ dNTPs) 和標(biāo)準(zhǔn)緩沖液 5×200 ü -20℃ 204 添加到購(gòu)物車
02-002 Taq DNA聚合酶(+ dNTPs), 具有強(qiáng)大的緩沖液 200 ü -20℃ 51 添加到購(gòu)物車
02-002-5 Taq DNA聚合酶(+ dNTPs), 具有強(qiáng)大的緩沖液 5×200 ü -20℃ 204 添加到購(gòu)物車
02-003 Taq DNA聚合酶(+ dNTPs), 具有用于高GC模板的增強(qiáng)子 200 ü -20℃ 52 添加到購(gòu)物車
02-003-5 Taq DNA聚合酶(+ dNTPs), 具有用于高GC模板的增強(qiáng)子 5×200 ü -20℃ 205 添加到購(gòu)物車
02-100 Taq PCR Premix,只添加模板和引物 100 RXN -20℃ 50 添加到購(gòu)物車
02-100-5 Taq PCR Premix,只添加模板和引物 500 RXN -20℃ 200 添加到購(gòu)物車
02-102 Taq PCR Premix(含染料),僅添加模板和引物 100 RXN -20℃ 52 添加到購(gòu)物車
02-102-5 Taq PCR Premix(含染料),僅添加模板和引物 500 RXN -20℃ 208 添加到購(gòu)物車
02-120 與Pfu(+ dNTPs)的Taq混合,長(zhǎng)而穩(wěn)健的放大,提高了保真度 200 ü -20℃ 60 添加到購(gòu)物車
02-120-5 與Pfu(+ dNTPs)的Taq混合,長(zhǎng)而穩(wěn)健的放大,提高了保真度 5×200 ü -20℃ 240 添加到購(gòu)物車
02-011 Taq DNA聚合酶(-dNTPs) 和標(biāo)準(zhǔn)緩沖液 200 ü -20℃ 40 添加到購(gòu)物車
02-011-5 Taq DNA聚合酶(-dNTPs) 和標(biāo)準(zhǔn)緩沖液 5×200 ü -20℃ 160 添加到購(gòu)物車
02-012 Taq DNA聚合酶(-dNTPs), 具有強(qiáng)大的緩沖液 200 ü -20℃ 40 添加到購(gòu)物車
02-012-5 Taq DNA聚合酶(-dNTPs), 具有強(qiáng)大的緩沖液 5×200 ü -20℃ 160 添加到購(gòu)物車
02-013 Taq DNA polymerase (-dNTPs), with Enhancer for high GC template 200 U -20℃ 43 Add to cart
02-013-5 Taq DNA polymerase (-dNTPs), with Enhancer for high GC template 5×200 U -20℃ 172 Add to cart
02-021 Pfu DNA polymerase (+dNTPs), Economy, with reaction buffer 200 U -20℃ 62 Add to cart
02-021-5 Pfu DNA polymerase (+dNTPs), Economy, with reaction buffer 5×200 U -20℃ 248 Add to cart
02-031 Pfu DNA polymerase (-dNTPs), Economy, with reaction buffer 200 U -20℃ 50 Add to cart
02-031-5 Pfu DNA polymerase (-dNTPs), Economy, with reaction buffer 5×200 U -20℃ 200 Add to cart
02-040 T4 SSB (gene 32) protein, functional 200 ug -20℃ 100 Add to cart
02-040-5 T4 SSB (gene 32) protein, functional 5×200 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
02-042 E. coli SSB (Single-Stranded DNA Binding) protein,functional 200 ug -20℃ 95 Add to cart
02-042-5 E. coli SSB (Single-Stranded DNA Binding) protein,functional 5×200 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
02-044 Taq SSB (Single-Stranded DNA Binding) protein,functional 100 ug -20℃ 200 Add to cart
02-048 Taq RecA protein, functional 100 ug -20℃ 150 Add to cart
02-050 T4 DNA Ligase with reaction buffer and ATP 20,000 U -20℃ 35 Add to cart
02-050-5 T4 DNA Ligase with reaction buffer and ATP 5 x 20,000 U -20℃ 130 Add to cart
02-060 E. coli Ribonuclease H (RNase H) with reaction buffer 1,000 U -20℃ 110 Add to cart
02-060-5 E. coli Ribonuclease H (RNase H) with reaction buffer 5 x 1,000 U -20℃ 330 Add to cart
  Enzymes and proteins as Biochemical Reagents        
02-300 Lambda Protein Phosphatase with reation buffer 20,000 U -80℃ 110 Add to cart
02-300-5 Lambda Protein Phosphatase with reation buffer 5 x 20,000 U -80℃ 440 Add to cart
  DNA/Protein Size Marker        
02-400 DNA Size Markers, 1 kbp DNA Ladders (1-10 kbp), 50 times 250 ul -20℃ 40 Add to cart
02-420 DNA Size Markers, 100 bp DNA Ladders (100-1,500 bp), 50 times 250 ul -20℃ 30 Add to cart
02-440 Protein Size Markers (Prestained), 12-270 kDa, 50 times 250 ul -20℃ 30 Add to cart
02-460 Protein Size Markers (Unstained), 12-250 kDa, 50 times 250 ul -20℃ 20 Add to cart
  cDNA Libraries of human tissues and model organisms        
02-701 cDNA library, S. cerevisiae Log Phase 500 ng -20℃ 330 Add to cart
02-703 cDNA library, S.pombe ; mitosis 500 ng -20℃ 330 Add to cart
02-705 cDNA library, S.pombe; Meiosis 500 ng -20℃ 330 Add to cart
02-707 cDNA library, S.pombe ; After + HU,γ,MMS h-L972 500 ng -20℃ 330 Add to cart
02-709 cDNA library, Planaria ; Planaria 500 ng -20℃ 330 Add to cart
02-711 cDNA library, Xenopus laevis ; oocyte 500 ng -20℃ 330 Add to cart
02-713 cDNA library, Mouse ; Thymocyte 500 ng -20℃ 330 Add to cart
02-715 cDNA library, Mouse ; Testis 500 ng -20℃ 330 Add to cart
02-717 cDNA library, Rat ; Rat embryonic fibroblast 500 ng -20℃ 330 Add to cart
02-719 cDNA library, Rat NRK Cell Log Phase 500 ng -20℃ 330 Add to cart
02-721 cDNA library, Human ; Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells 500 ng -20℃ 330 Add to cart
02-723 cDNA library, Human ; HeLa (#1) 500 ng -20℃ 330 Add to cart
02-725 cDNA library, Human ; Fibroblast Primary culture 500 ng -20℃ 330 Add to cart
02-727 cDNA library, Human contact inhibition state 500 ng -20℃ 330 Add to cart
02-729 cDNA library, Human Embryonic Kidney Cell 293T 500 ng -20℃ 330 Add to cart
  Recombinant proteins: DNA Replication, Recombination & Repair        
01-001 E.coli RecA Protein, functional 100 ug -20℃ 95 Add to cart
01-003 E.coli RecQ DNA helicase, functional 20 ug -80℃ 420 Add to cart
01-004 E.coli RecQ DNA helicase, functional 100 ug -80℃ 1,680 Add to cart
01-005 E.coli LexA repressor, functional 20 ug -80℃ 420 Add to cart
01-006 E.coli LexA repressor, functional 100 ug -80℃ 1,260 Add to cart
01-007 E.coli RuvA Protein, functional 20 ug -20℃ 420 Add to cart
01-008 E.coli RuvA Protein, functional 100 ug -20℃ 1,260 Add to cart
01-009 E.coli RuvB Protein, functional 20 ug -20℃ 420 Add to cart
01-010 E.coli RuvB Protein, functional 100 ug -20℃ 1,260 Add to cart
01-011 E.coli RuvC Protein, functional 20 ug -20℃ 420 Add to cart
01-012 E.coli RuvC Protein, functional 100 ug -20℃ 1,260 Add to cart
10-001 Rad51 Protein (Human), functional 20 ug -80℃ 420 Add to cart
10-002 Rad51 Protein (Human), functional 100 ug -80℃ 1,260 Add to cart
10-003 Rad52 Protein (Human), functional 20 ug -80℃ 420 Add to cart
10-004 Rad52 Protein (Human), functional 100 ug -80℃ 1,260 Add to cart
10-101 DNA polymerase β(Rat), functional 20 ug -80℃ 315 Add to cart
10-102 DNA polymerase β(Rat), functional 100 ug -80℃ 945 Add to cart
10-105 DNA polymerase kappa (human), functional, WB, ELISA 50 ug -80℃ 490 Add to cart
10-151 PCNA (human), functional, WB, Dot, SDS-PAGE, ELISA 20 ug -80℃ 315 Add to cart
10-152 PCNA (human), functional, WB, Dot, SDS-PAGE, ELISA 100 ug -80℃ 945 Add to cart
  Epigenetics : enzymes and proteins        
10-201 DNA (cytosine-5) methyltransferase, Dnmt1,Active, With Reaction Buffer and S-Adenosyl Methionine, (Cartagena Protocol) 300 U -20℃ 330 Add to cart
  Growth Factors, Cytokines, Lymphokines, Signal Transduction & Apoptosis        
03-001 Human Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), active 50 ug -20℃ 125 Add to cart
03-001-5 Human Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), active 5 x 50 ug -20℃ 375 Add to cart
03-003 Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 1 (FGF-1 / acidic FGF), active 50 ug -20℃ 260 Add to cart
03-003-5 Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 1 (FGF-1 / acidic FGF), active 5 x 50 ug -20℃ 780 Add to cart
03-005 Human Keratinocyte Growth Factor (KGF/FGF7),active 50 ug -20℃ 310 Add to cart
03-005-5 Human Keratinocyte Growth Factor (KGF/FGF7),active 5 x 50 ug -20℃ 945 Add to cart
  Bacterial Protein Toxins for Cell Biology and Biochemistry        
01-501 Adenylate cyclase from Bordetella pertussis,active 50 ug -80℃ 250 Add to cart
01-503 Pertussis toxin from Bordetella pertussis, active 25 ug -80℃ 440 Add to cart
01-505 Dermonecrotizing toxin from Bordetella bronochiseptica, active 10 ug 4℃ 440 Add to cart
01-507 Pasteurella multocida toxin, active 50 ug -20℃ In preparation Add to cart
01-509 Clostridium perfringens toxin, active 50 ug -20℃ 440 Add to cart
01-511 Cholera toxin from Vibrio Cholerae, active 100 ug -80℃ 310 Add to cart
01-521 Cholera toxin A subunit from Vibrio Cholerae,active 50 ug -80℃ 310 Add to cart
01-525 Cholera toxin B subunit from Vibrio Cholerae,active 50 ug -80℃ 310 Add to cart
01-513 Botulinum C3 enzyme from Clostridium botulinum, active 10 ug -20℃ 165 Add to cart
01-515 Diphtheria toxin mutant CRM197, active but nontoxic 200 ug -80℃ 190 Add to cart
01-517 Diphtheria toxin, active 200 ug -80℃ 190 Add to cart
01-531 Streptolysin O (Hemolytic streptococcus), active, Useful for introduction of molecules into living cells, WB, ELISA, SDS-PAGE 20 ug -20℃ 290 Add to cart
01-531-5 Streptolysin O (Hemolytic streptococcus), active, Useful for introduction of molecules into living cells, WB, ELISA, SDS-PAGE 5 x 20 ug -20℃ 870 Add to cart
  HIV-1 Recombinant Proteins        
05-001 HIV-1 Reverse transcriptase, active, SDS-PAGE, WB, Dot, ELISA 200 units -20℃ 330 Add to cart
05-002 HIV-1 Reverse transcriptase, active, SDS-PAGE, WB, Dot, ELISA 1000 units -20℃ 1,320 Add to cart
05-013 HIV-1 Protease,functional,SDS-PAGE, WB, Dot Blot, ELISA 10 ug -80℃ 275 Add to cart
05-013-5 HIV-1 Protease, functional,SDS-PAGE, WB, Dot Blot, ELISA 5x10 ug -80℃ 1,100 Add to cart
05-003 HIV-1 Gag p17,SDS-PAGE, WB, Dot Blot, ELISA 20 ug -20℃ 290 Add to cart
05-004 HIV-1 Gag p17,SDS-PAGE, WB, Dot Blot, ELISA 100 ug -20℃ 990 Add to cart
05-005 HIV-1 Gag p24,SDS-PAGE, WB, Dot Blot, ELISA 20 ug -80℃ 290 Add to cart
05-006 HIV-1 Gag p24,SDS-PAGE, WB, Dot Blot, ELISA 100 ug -80℃ 990 Add to cart
05-007 HIV-1 Gag p15,SDS-PAGE, WB, Dot Blot, ELISA 20 ug -20℃ 290 Add to cart
05-008 HIV-1 Gag p15,SDS-PAGE, WB, Dot Blot, ELISA 100 ug -20℃ 990 Add to cart
05-009 HIV-1 Gag p55, active as HIV-1 protease substrate,SDS-PAGE, WB, Dot Blot, ELISA 20 ug -80℃ 330 Add to cart
05-010 HIV-1 Gag p55, active as HIV-1 protease substrate,SDS-PAGE, WB, Dot Blot, ELISA 100 ug -80℃ 990 Add to cart
05-011 HIV-1 Nef,SDS-PAGE, WB, Dot Blot, ELISA 20 ug -20℃ 290 Add to cart
05-012 HIV-1 Nef,SDS-PAGE, WB, Dot Blot, ELISA 100 ug -20℃ 990 Add to cart
  Antibodies: Tag proteins        
60-001 anti-GFP antibody, rat monoclonal (1A5), WB, IP,IC, ChIp, ELISA, Azide-free 100 ug -20℃ 260 Add to cart
60-011 Anti-GFP antibody rabbit serum, WB, IP, IF, IHC, ELISA 100 ul -20℃ 220 Add to cart
60-021 Anti-GST antibody rabbit serum , WB, IP, ELISA 100 ul -20℃ 220 Add to cart
60-031 Anti-YKDDDDK (same epitope as FLAG) tag antibody, rabbit serum, WB, ELISA 100 ul -20℃ 220 Add to cart
60-041 Anti-Myc tag antibody rabbit serum ,WB, IP, ELISA 100 ul -20℃ 220 Add to cart
60-051 Anti-His6 tag antibody rabbit serum , WB, ELISA 100 ul -20℃ 220 Add to cart
60-060 Anti-Beta Galactosidase antibody , rabbit polyclonal, WB, Dot, IP, IF/ICC, IHC, ELISA 200 ug -20℃ 220 Add to cart
  Antibodies to DNA Replication, Recombination & Repair        
61-001 anti-E.coli LexA antibody, rabbit serum, WB, IP,ChIp, IF, IHC, ELISA 50 ul -20℃ 210 Add to cart
61-002 anti-E.coli LexA antibody, rabbit serum, WB, IP,ChIp, IF, IHC, ELISA 250 ul -20℃ 840 Add to cart
61-003 anti-E.coli RecA antibody, affinity-pure, WB, IP, IF, ELISA 50 ug -20℃ 315 Add to cart
61-004 anti-E.coli RecA antibody, affinity-pure, WB, IP, IF, ELISA 250 ug -20℃ 1245 Add to cart
61-005 anti-E.coli RuvA antibody, rabbit serum, WB, IP ELISA 100 ul -20℃ 330 Add to cart
61-007 anti-E.coli RuvB antibody, rabbit serum, WB 100 ul -20℃ 316 Add to cart
61-009 anti-E.coli RuvC antibody, rabbit serum, WB 100 ul -20℃ 316 Add to cart
61-011 anti-E.coli UmuD antibody, rabbit serum, WB 100 ul -20℃ 316 Add to cart
61-012 anti-E.coli DNA polymerase 1 antibody, rabbit serum, WB, IP 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
62-101 anti-Rad51(S.cerevisiae)antibody, rabbit serum,WB, IP, IF, ChIP 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
62-150 anti-Rfa1/Rpa1(S.cerevisiae)antibody, rabbit serum, WB, IP 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
62-152 anti-Rfa3/Rpa3(S.cerevisiae)antibody, rabbit serum, WB, IP 50 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
62-160 anti-PCNA(S.cerevisiae)antibody, rabbit serum,WB, IP, ChIP 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
63-001 anti-Rhp51(S.pombe)antibody, rabbit serum,WB, IP,ChIP, IF, ELISA 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
63-003 anti-Rad22/Rad52 (S.pombe) antibody, affinity-pure rabbit polyclonal, WB, IP,ChIP IF, ELISA 50 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
63-011 Anti-cdc22/RMM (S.pombe) antibody affinity purified (rabbit serum), WB 100 ug -20℃ 330 Add to cart
70-001 anti-Rad51 antibody, rabbit serum, WB, IP, IF, ELISA (cross reacts; hu, ms, rat,chicken, Xenopus) 50 ul -20℃ 245 Add to cart
70-002 anti-Rad51 antibody, rabbit serum, WB, IP, IF, ELISA (cross reacts; hu, ms, rat,chicken, Xenopus) 250 ul -20℃ 735 Add to cart
70-012 anti-Rad51(human) antibody (rabbit), affinity-pure, WB, IP,ChIP, IF, IHC, ChIp, ELISA (cross reacts; hu, ms, rat,chicken, Xenopus), Azide- & carrier-free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
70-005 anti-Rad51 antibody, chicken IgY, WB,IP, ChIp, IF, ELISA, (cross reacts; hu, ms, rat,chicken etc), Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 330 Add to cart
70-007 anti-Rad51(human) antibody (chicken), IgY-agarose conjugate, IP, ChIp, (cross reacts; hu, ms, rat,chicken etc) 100 ul 4℃ 316 Add to cart
70-015 anti-Rad52(human) antibody affinity-pure, WB, IP, IF, ELISA, (cross reacts; hu, ms, rat,chicken etc), Azide and carrier free, 50 ug -20℃ In Preparation
70-020 anti-Rad6/UBE2A (human) antibody affinity-purified (rabbit), WB, IP, IF, (cross reacts; human, mouse, rat), Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 330 Add to cart
70-023 anti-Rad18 (human) antibody, rabbit polyclonal IgG, WB, IP, IF, ELISA、Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
70-025 anti-Rad18 (mouse) antibody, rabbit polyclonal IgG, WB, IF、IHC 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
70-031 anti-XPA(human)antibody, monoclonal(5F12),WB, IF, Inhibition, Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
70-041 anti-DNA polymerase β antibody (rabbit polyclonal, affinity-purify), WB, IP, IF,(Reacts; hu, ms, rat, ham), Azide and carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
69-100 anti-RRM1 / RNR-R1 antibody, rabbit polyclonal, WB, IF,(Reacts; Xenopus, human, mouse, rat, hamster), Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
70-050 anti- RRM2 / RNR-R2 antibody, affinity purified (rabbit polyclonal), WB, IF, IHC-P,(cross reacts; hu, ms, rat, Xenop) , Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 330 Add to cart
70-056 anti-DNA polymeraseδsubunit 3/ p66 (PolD3, human) antibody monoclonal (2A1C11), WB, IP, Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ In preparation Add to cart
70-071 anti-DNA polymerase η(human) antibody, mouse monoclonal (5H10), WB,IF Azide- and carrier-free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
70-080 Anti- PCNA antibody rabbit polyclonal, WB, IP, IF, (cross reacts; animals) 100 ug -20℃ 245 Add to cart
70-120 anti-MCM7 antibody, rabbit polyclonal, WB, IP, IF?。–ross reacts with hu, mo, rat, chicken, Xenopus), Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 330 Add to cart
70-501 anti-EDD/UBR5 antibody, rabbit polyclonal, WB, (reacts; hu, ms), Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 310 Add to cart
  Antibodies : Transcription Factors and RNA processsing        
62-001 anti-Gal11p (S. cerevisiae) antibody, rabbit serum, WB 50 ul -20℃ 300 Add to cart
62-003 anti-Gcn5p (S. cerevisiae) antibody, rabbit serum, WB 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
62-005 anti-Spt3p (S. cerevisiae) antibody, rabbit serum, WB 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
62-007 anti-Srb4p (S. cerevisiae) antibody, ChIp grade, rabbit serum, WB, ChIp, ELISA 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
62-009 anti-Sua7p/TFⅡB (S. cerevisiae) antibody, rabbit serum, WB 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
62-011 anti-Taf4p (S. cerevisiae) antibody, rabbit serum, WB 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
62-013 anti-Taf6p (S. cerevisiae) antibody, rabbit serum, WB 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
62-015 anti-Taf10p (S. cerevisiae) antibody, rabbit serum, WB 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
62-017 anti-Taf11p (S. cerevisiae) antibody, rabbit serum, WB 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
62-019 anti-Tfg2p (S. cerevisiae) antibody, rabbit serum ,WB 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
62-021 anti-Toa1p (S. cerevisiae) antibody, rabbit serum, WB 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
62-023 anti-Taf3(S. cerevisiae) antibody, rabbit serum,WB 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
62-024 anti-Taf7(S. cerevisiae) antibody, rabbit serum,WB 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
62-025 anti-Taf14(S. cerevisiae) antibody, rabbit serum,WB 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
62-026 anti-Tfa1/TFⅡEa (S. cerevisiae) antibody, rabbit serum, WB 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
62-027 anti-Ada2 (S. cerevisiae) antibody, rabbit serum, WB 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
62-028 anti-Ada3 (S. cerevisiae) antibody, rabbit serum, WB 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
62-029 anti-Med9/Cse2 (S. cerevisiae) antibody, rabbit serum, WB 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
62-030 anti-Med11 (S. cerevisiae) antibody, rabbit polyclonal, WB 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
62-035 Anti-RPC19 (S. cerevisiae) antibody rabbit polyclonal, WB 100 ul -20℃ 390 Add to cart
70-400 anti-U1 snRNP C (U1C) antibody rat monoclonal (4H12), WB, IP, IF, IHC、Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 350 Add to cart
70-415 anti-hnRNP-U / SAF-A antibody, rabbit serum,WB, IP, IF/IC (cross reacts; ms, rat, hu) 100 ul -20℃ 330 Add to cart
70-450 anti-DDX3X antibody, rabbit serum, WB, IF, (cross reacts; hu, ms, rat) 100 ul -20℃ 330 Add to cart
70-453 anti-DDX18 antibody, rabbit serum, WB, IF, (cross reacts; hu, ms, rat) 100 ul -20℃ 330 Add to cart
70-455 anti-DDX47 antibody, rabbit serum, WB, IF, (cross reacts; hu, ms, rat) 100 ul -20℃ 330 Add to cart
70-460 anti-Pura antibody, rabbit polyclonal, affinity purified, WB, IP, IF, (cross reacts; hu, ms), Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
70-230 Anti-Brg1 antibody, rabbit polyclonal, affinity-purified, WB, IP, IF (Reacts with; hu, mo, rat) Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
70-457 anti-TFIID subunit 1/TAF1/CCG1/KAT4 antibody, rabbit serum, WB, IF, (cross reacts; hu, ms, ham,rat) 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
  Antibodies: Translation, Post-Translational Processing and Modification        
70-600 anti-AlaRS (Alanine-tRNA Ligase) antibody, rabbit serum, WB、IF(cross reacts; hu, ms, hamster) 100 ul -20℃ 300 Add to cart
  Antibodies: Cancer, Growth factors, Signal Transduction, and Apoptosis        
62-351 anti-Gtr2 (S. cerevisiae) antibody, rabbit serum,WB 100 ul -20℃ 330 Add to cart
71-001 anti-RanBPM/BP9 antibody, rabbit serum, WB, IP, IF/ICC, IHC-P 100 ul -20℃ 330 Add to cart
71-003 anti-RanBP2 antibody, rabbit serum, WB, IP, IF/ICC 100 ul -20℃ 330 Add to cart
71-020 anti-RagA/RRAGA(mammals) antibody, rabbit serum, WB (cross reacts; human, mammals、Xenopus) 100 ul -20℃ 330 Add to cart
71-023 anti-RagC/RRAGC antibody, rabbit polyclonal,WB, IF (Reacts; human, mouse,hamster) Azide & carrier free 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
71-113 anti-p53 p-Ser20(human)antibody, monoclonal(17B6), WB, ELISA, Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
71-115 anti-p53 p-Ser46 (human) antibody, monoclonal (#36), WB, IHC-P, ELISA, Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
71-117 anti-p53 p-Ser315(human)antibody, monoclonal(#18), WB, IHC-P, ELISA, Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
71-131 anti-p53 Ac-K120(human)antibody, monoclonal(10E5), WB, IP, FC, ELISA, Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
71-133 anti-p53 Ac-K382(human)antibody, monoclonal(2B7E4) , WB, Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
71-141 anti-Mdmx/Hdmx p-Ser367(mouse/human)antibody、monoclonal(#15), WB, IP, ELISA, Azide& carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
71-151 anti-E2F1 p-Ser364(human)antibody, monoclonal(#2), WB, ELISA, Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
71-161 anti-c-Myc p-Ser62(human)antibody, monoclonal(33A12E10), WB,IF, Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
71-171 anti-RB p-Ser795 (human) antibody, monoclonal (28B5), WB, ELISA, Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
71-173 anti-RB p-Thr821(human) antibody, monoclonal (24A7), WB, ELISA, Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
71-175 anti-KDM5A/RBP2/JARID1A antibody mouse monoclonal (9A6), WB, Azide & carier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
71-177 anti-KDM5A/RBP2/JARID1A antibody mouse monoclonal (18E8), WB, FC, IF, Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
71-185 anti-EID1 antibody monoclonal (#26), WB, IF, ELISA, Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
71-190 anti-EID1 antibody monoclonal (#2), WB, IF, ELISA, Azide & carier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
71-195 anti-PHLDA3 antibody mouse monoclonal (4B6) ,WB, Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
71-200 anti-GAK antibody, mouse monoclonal(9-13),WB, IF, IHC, (Reacts with human, rat) 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
71-203 anti-GAK antibody, mouse monoclonal (9-10) ,WB, IF, IHC, (Reacts with human, rat) 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
71-501 anti-HB-EGF(human) antibody monoclonal(4G10), WB, IP, IF/ICC, ELISA, Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
71-503 anti-HB-EGF(human) antibody monoclonal(4G10) biotinylated, WB,IP, IF/ ICC, ELISA, Azide & carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
71-600 anti-VRK1 (human) antibody, mouse monoclonal (5D1), WB, IP, IF, IHC, ELISA, Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 330 Add to cart
71-610 anti-SCYL2/CVAK104 antibody, rabbit polyclonal, WB, IP, IF(Reacts: human, rodents), Azide & carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 245 Add to cart
  Antibody: Cell Biology        
70-301 anti-LBR(hu,mo) antibody, affinity-pure, WB, IP, IF/ICC, Carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 290 Add to cart
70-305 anti-Nup62 antibody, rat monoclonal, WB, IP, IF/ICC, ELISA, (Reactivity; hu, simian ), Azide & carrier free 200 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
70-310 anti-Nup98 antibody, rat monoclonal , WB, Dot, IF/ICC, ELISA, Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
70-345 anti-Nup98 antibody, mouse monoclonal (13C2), WB, (IF), (Reactivity; human, Tetrahymena, S. pombe, S. cerevisiae), Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
70-346 anti-Nup98 antibody, mouse monoclonal (21A10), IF, (WB), (Reactivity; human, mouse, Tetrahymena, S. pombe, S. cerevisiae), Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
70-347 anti-Nup98 antibody, mouse monoclonal (13C2+21A10) , WB, IF, (Reactivity; human, Tetrahymena, S. pombe, S. cerevisiae), Azide & carrier free 50 + 50 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
70-315 anti-Nup153 antibody rat monoclonal (R4C8),WB, IF/ICC, ELISA, Azide & carrier free 200 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
70-325 Anti-Importin alpha 3 / Qip1KPNA4 antibody rat monoclonal (3D10) , WB, Azide & carrier free 200 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
  Antibodies:  Stress responses, Chaperons & Protein folding        
62-300 anti-Sup35/PSI+ (S.cerevisiae) antibody rabbit polyclonal IgG, WB 100 ug -20℃ 421 Add to cart
62-301 anti-Rnq1 (S. cerevisiae) antibody rabbit polyclonal, WB, Carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 421 Add to cart
62-302 anti-Cdc37 (S. cerevisiae) antibody, rabbit serum, WB, IP, IF 100 ul -20℃ 421 Add to cart
62-303 anti-Cdc48 (S. cerevisiae) antibody, rabbit serum, WB 100 ul -20℃ 421 Add to cart
73-500 anti-ATF6 alpha (human) antibody mouse monoclonal (1-7), WB, IP, IF, Azide & carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 315 Add to cart
73-505 anti-ATF6 alpha(human/mouse) antibody mouse monoclonal (37-1), WB, IP, Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 421 Add to cart
  Antibody: Immunology        
72-001 anti-FcεR1α (human IgE receptor) antibody, mouse monoclona l (CRA1) Functional grade,WB, IP, IF, IHC, FACS, ELISA, Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
72-003 anti-FcεR1α (human IgE receptor) antibody (CRA1), biotinylated, WB,ICC, IHC, IHC, ELISA, Azide & carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
72-004 anti-FcεR1α (human IgE receptor) antibody (CRA1), FITC-labeled, ICC, IHC, FACS, Azide & carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
72-005 anti-FcεR1α(human IgE receptor) antibody, mouse monoclonal(CRA2), WB, IF/ICC, IHC, FACS,ELISA, IgE-Binding Inhibiton, Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
72-007 anti-FcεR1α(human IgE receptor) antibody (CRA2), biotinylated, WB, IF/ICC, IHC,FACS, ELISA, Azide & carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 330 Add to cart
72-008 anti-FcεR1α(human IgE receptor) antibody (CRA2), FITC-labeled, IF/ICC, IHC, FACS, Azide & carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 330 Add to cart
72-030 anti-CD40 antibody, mouse monoclonal (5C3),WB, IF, FACS, IHC, B cell stimulation, Azide& carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 315 Add to cart
72-031 anti-CD40 antibody, mouse monoclonal (5C3), biotinylated, WB, FACS, IHC, Azide & carreir free 50 ug -20℃ 315 Add to cart
72-032 anti-CD40 antibody, mouse monoclonal (5C3), FITC-labeled,IF, FACS, IHC, Azide & carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 315 Add to cart
  Antibodies: Chromosome, Cell Division, Cell Cycle, Checkpoints and Gene Silencing        
63-105 anti-Cnd2 (S. pombe) antibody, rabbit serum,WB, IF 100 ul -20℃ 400 Add to cart
63-107 anti-Cut5/Rad4 (S. pombe) antibody、rabbit serum, WB 100 ul -20℃ 350 Add to cart
63-113 anti-Cut15 (S. pombe) antibody, rabbit serum,WB 100 ul -20℃ 350 Add to cart
63-119 anti-Dis2 (S. pombe) antibody, rabbit serum,WB, IP 100 ul -20℃ 350 Add to cart
63-121 anti-Dis2(P-T316)(S.pombe)antibody, rabbit serum、WB 50 ul -20℃ 290 Add to cart
63-123 anti-Dis3(S. pombe) antibody, rabbit serum,WB, IF 100 ul -20℃ 300 Add to cart
63-129 anti-Nda4(fission yeast)antibody, rabbit antibody Inquire -20℃ Inquire
63-133 anti-Pad1 (S. pombe) antibody, rabbit serum,WB, IP 100 ul -20℃ 350 Add to cart
63-135 anti-Ppa2 (S. pombe) antibody, rabbit serum,WB, IP, IF 100 ul -20℃ 350 Add to cart
63-137 anti-Psm1 (S. Pombe) antibody, rabbit serum,WB, IP 100 ul -20℃ 350 Add to cart
63-139 anti-Rad21 (S. pombe) antibody, rabbit serum,WB 50 ul -20℃ 350 Add to cart
63-141 anti-Sds22 (S. pombe) antibody, rabbit serum,WB, IP, IF 100 ul -20℃ 350 Add to cart
63-143 anti-Sds23 S. Pombe) antibody, rabbit serum,WB, IP 100 ul -20℃ 350 Add to cart
63-151 anti-Mrc1 (S. pombe) antibody rabbit serum,WB, IP 50 ul -20℃ 300 Add to cart
63-154 anti-Shugoshin 1 (S. pombe) antibody, affinity-pure, WB, IF 100 ul -20℃ 350 Add to cart
63-160 anti-beta tublin (S. pombe) antibody, rabbit serum, WB, IF 100 ul -20℃ 300 Add to cart
69-001 anti-gamma tubulin antibody, affinity-pure (rabbit), WB, IF(Reacts with Xenopus, human, mouse), Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 315 Add to cart
69-003 anti-Cdk1/Cdc2(Xenopus)antibody rabbit polyclonal, WB, IP(Reacts: Xenopus, human) 100 ug -20℃ 315 Add to cart
70-101 anti-DSN1/Mis13 (human) antibody rabbit serum, WB, IF 100 ul -20℃ 350 Add to cart
70-105 anti-Rad21(human、hRad21)antibody, rabbit antibody 50 ug -20℃ 220 Add to cart
70-107 Anti-Nuf2 antibody rabbit serum, WB, IF (Cross reacts with human, chicken) 100 ul -20℃ 350 Add to cart
70-110 Anti-Centrin1 antibody affinity-pure, (rabbit polyclonal), WB, IF, Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 350 Add to cart
70-112 Anti-POGZ (human, mouse) antibody rabbit serum, WB, IF, IP 100 ul -20℃ 350 Add to cart
70-115 anti-CDT2/DTL antibody, rabbit serum, WB, IP, IF, FACS?。–ross reacts with hu, mo) 100 ul -20℃ 350 Add to cart
70-130 anti-GRWD1 antibody, rabbit polyclonal, affinity-pure, WB, IP, IF?。╮eacts with hu, mo, rat), Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
70-133 anti-CDC6 antibody, rabbit polyclonal, affinity-pure, WB, IP, IF (reacts with hu, mo), Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
  Antibodies: Epigenetics and Chromatin        
63-101 anti-Swi6 (S. pombe) antibody, rabbit serum,WB, IP, ChIp 50 ul -20℃ 300 Add to cart
63-125 anti-histone H2B (S. pombe) antibody rabbit serum, WB, IP, ChIp 50 ul -20℃ 300 Add to cart
70-201 anti-Dnmt1(1-248)antibody, affinity-pure, WB, IP, IF 50 ug -20℃ 263 Add to cart
70-206 anti-Dnmt3b (mouse) antibody affinity-pure(rabbit polyclonal), CHIP grade, WB, IP, IF, IHC 100 ug -20℃ 350 Add to cart
70-221 anti-HP1α/CBX5 (human) antibody (rabbit) affinity-pure, WB, IF, Azide and carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 210 Add to cart
70-223 anti-HP1β/CBX1 (human) antibody (rabbit) affinity-pure, ChIP grade, WB, IF/IC, Azide and carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 210 Add to cart
70-225 anti-HP1γ/CBX3 antibody (rabbit) affinity-pure,ChIP grade, WB, IP, Azide and carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 210 Add to cart
70-230 anti-Brg1 antibody, rabbit polyclonal, affinity-pure, WB, IP, IF, (ヒト、マウス) Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 330 Add to cart
51-003 anti-5Methylcytosine antibody, mouse IgM (clone 5MC-CD), Immuno Blot, IF/ICC, Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
51-004 anti-5Methylcytosine antibody mouse IgM (clone 5MC-CD), Biotin-conjugated, Immuno Blot, IF/ICC, Azide and carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
51-005 anti-5Methylcytosine antibody mouse, IgM (clone 5MC-CD), FITC-conjugated,IF/ICC, Azide and carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
  Antibodies: Proteasome, Ubiquitination, Protein degradation, Sumoylation        
62-200 anti-Rpn1(S.cerevisiae)antibody, rabbit serum,WB 100 ul -20℃ 390 Add to cart
62-201 anti-Rpn3(S.cerevisiae)antibody, rabbit serum,WB, IP 100 ul -20℃ 400 Add to cart
62-203 anti-Rpn5(S.cerevisiae)antibody, affinity-pure,WB, IP 100 ul -20℃ 400 Add to cart
62-205 anti-Rpn7(S.cerevisiae)antibody, affinity-pure,WB, IP 100 ul -20℃ 400 Add to cart
62-207 anti-Rpn9(S.cerevisiae)antibody, rabbit purified antibody, WB, IP 100 ul -20℃ 420 Add to cart
62-209 anti-Rpn12(S.cerevisiae)antibody, affinity-pure,WB, IP 50 ul -20℃ 300 Add to cart
62-211 anti-Nob1(S.cerevisiae)antibody, affinity-pure,WB, IP 100 ul -20℃ 420 Add to cart
62-213 anti-Nas6/p28 (S.cerevisiae) antibody affinity-pure, WB, IP 100 ul -20℃ 420 Add to cart
62-215 anti-Tem1(S.cerevisiae)antibody, affinity-pure,WB, IP 100 ul -20℃ 420 Add to cart
70-501 anti-EDD/UBR5 antibody, rabbit polyclonal, WB, (reacts; hu, ms), Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 310 Add to cart
70-510 anti-PIAS4/PIASy antibody, mouse monoclonal(10-24.6), WB, IP, IF (reacts; hu) 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
70-653 anti-SUMO1 antibody, rat monoclonal (4D12),WB, IF, IHC, Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 230 Add to cart
70-654 anti-SUMO1 antibody, rat monoclonal (4D12), Biotinylated, WB, IF, IHC, Azide & carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 230 Add to cart
70-655 anti-SUMO1 antibody, rat monoclonal (4D12), FITC-conjugated, WB, IF, IHC, Azide & carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 230 Add to cart
70-657 anti-SUMO2/3 antibody, rat monoclonal (3H12), Reacts (hu, mo, rat), WB, IF, IHC-frozen section, ELISA, Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 290 Add to cart
  Antibodies: Differentiation, Embryology and stem cell Biology        
73-100 anti-Nestin (mouse) antibody. rat monoclonal(7A3), ICC, IHC, Azide & carrier free 200 ug -20℃ 245 Add to cart
73-105 anti-Nestin (mouse, rat) antibody, rabbit PC,WB, ICC, IHC 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
73-107 anti-MiTF(human, mouse, etc) antibody, rabbit serum, ChIP grade, WB, ICC, IHC 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
73-109 anti-Nucleobindin 2/ NEFA / Nesfatin precursor (mouse, rat, human) antibody, rabbit polyclonal , WB, IP, ICC, IHC, I-EM, I-Aff-Chromato 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
  Antibodies: Reproductive Biology        
73-001 anti-SLA (haploid sperm cell-specific antigen, mouse, rat) antibody、 rat clone TRA54, WB, IHC, I-EM, Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
73-003 anti-Gena (testicular germ cell-specific, mouse) antibody, rat clone TRA98, WB, IHC, Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
73-006 anti-ACE3 antibody, rabbit serum, WB, IP, IF/IC (Reacts with mouse) 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
73-007 anti-ADAM1B antibody, rat monoclonal (#158), WB, IF,IHC (Reacts with mouse) 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
73-010 Anti-ADAM1B antibody, rat monoclonal (#57), IF, IHC (Reacts with mouse) 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
73-018 anti-Calrecticulin/CALR antibody, rabbit serum, WB, IP, IF, IHC (Reacts with mouse & human 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
73-022 anti-Calrecticulin-3/CALR3 (mouse) antibody, rabbit serum, WB, IP, IHC 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
73-026 anti-Calnexin (mouse) antibody, rabbit serum, WB, IP 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
73-030 anti-CD52 (mouse) antibody, KO-Validated, rabbit polyclonal, WB, IP, IF, IHC-P 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
73-034 anti-Calmegin (mouse) antibody, KO-Validated, rabbit polyclonal, WB, IP 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
73-038 anti-IGSF8 (mouse) antibody, KO-Validated, rabbit polyclonal, WB, IF, IHC 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
73-042 anti- IZUMO1 antibody, rabbit polyclonal, WB, IF, Inhibition of sperm fusion. (Reacts with human & mouse) 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
73-045 Anti- IZUMO1 antibody, rat monoclonal (#125), KO-Validated,, WB, IP, IF. (Reacts with human & mouse). Azide and carrier free. 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
73-051 anti-PDILT (mouse) antibody, rabbit serum, WB, IP, IHC(frozen section) 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
73-055 anti-PMIS2 (mouse) antibody, KO-Validated, rabbit polyclonal, WB 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
73-062 anti-SPACA1 (mouse) antibody, KO-Validated, rabbit polyclonal, WB, IF 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
73-065 anti-SPESP1 (mouse) antibody, KO-Validated, rabbit polyclonal, WB, IF 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
  Antibodies: Brain and Neuroscience        
74-001 anti-Glyoxalase 1 (GLO1, human, mouse) antibody, rat monoclonal (6F10), WB, IC/IF, ELISA, Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
74-100 anti-Necdin (mouse, rat, human) antibody, rabbit serum, KO-Validated, WB, IC/IF, IHC-F 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
74-102 anti-Caspase 3 activated (p20/p17 subunit; human, mouse, rat) antibody, rabbit serum, WB, IC/IF, ELISA 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
74-104 anti-Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP C-terminus, human, mouse, rat) antibody rabbit serum (AC1), WB, IC/IF, IHC 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
74-106 anti-Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP N-terminus; human, mouse, rat) antibody rabbit serum, WB, IC/IF 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
74-108 anti-APP-C31 (C-terminal fragment of the caspase 3-cleaved APP; human,mouse, rat) antibody, rabbit serum, WB, IC/IF, ELISA 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
74-110 anti-APP delta C31 (specific to C-terminal APP ⊿ 31; human, mouse, rat) antibody rabbit serum, WB, IC/IF, ELISA 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
74-112 anti-MAGE-D1 / Dlxin-1 / NRAGE ( antibody rabbit serum (MD1), WB, IC/IF, IHC 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
74-114 anti-MAGE-G1 / Necdin-like 2 (human, mouse, rat) antibody rabbit serum, WB, IP, Im-Affi-Chromato 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
  Antibodies: Phgysiology, Metabolism        
74-200 anti-SLC2A3/GLUT3 antibody, rat monoclonal (#10), WB (Reacts with mouse), Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
  Antibodies: Bacteriology, Bacterial Toxin        
64-001 anti-Streptolysin O antibody rabbit serum, WB, IP, ELISA, Neutralization 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
64-004 anti-Streptococcus NADase Inhibitor antibody, rabbit polyclonal WB, IP, ELISA 100 ul -20℃ 390 Add to cart
64-005 anti-NADase (hemolytic streptococcus) antibody rabbit serum, WB, IP, ELISA, Neutralization 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
64-007 Anti-Cholera toxin antibody rabbit serum, WB, IP, ELISA 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
64-010 Anti-Diphtheria Toxin antibody rabbit serum,WB ELIZA DOT IP 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
64-015 anti-TRH Toxin (V.parahemolyticus) antibody, rabbit polyclonal IgG,WB, DOT, IP 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
64-020 anti-LT (E.coli)antibody, rabbit serum,WB, DOT, IP 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
64-025 anti-Vero Toxin (E.coli) / Shiga Toxin (S. dysenteriae) antibody, rabbit serum, WB, DOT, IP 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
64-030 anti- Pertussis Toxin antibody, rabbit serum, WB, IP, Dot, Neut, ELISA 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
64-035 Anti- Tetanus Toxin antibody mouse monoclonal (TH-11), WB, Neut, ELISA 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
64-100 anti- Legionella pneumophila antibody, rabbit polyclonal, IF/ICC, IHC, ELISA, Agglutination 200 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
  Antibodies:  Viruses, Infectious Agents        
65-001 anti-HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase antibody, rabbit serum, WB, Dot, IP, ELISA 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
65-003 anti-HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase antibody, guinea pig serum, WB, Dot, IP, ELISA 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
65-004 anti-HIV-1 Gag p24 antibody, rabbit serum, WB, Dot, IP, ELISA 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
65-006 anti-HIV-1 Gag p24 antibody, guinea pig serum,WB, Dot, IP, ELISA 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
65-008 anti-HIV-1 Gag p17 antibody, rabbit serum, WB, Dot, IP, ELISA 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
65-010 anti-HIV-1 Gag p17 antibody, guinea pig serum,WB, Dot, IP, ELISA 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
65-011 anti-HIV-1 Gag p15 antibody, rabbit serum, WB, Dot, IP, ELISA 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
65-013 anti-HIV-1 Gag p55 antibody, rabbit serum, WB, Dot, IP, ELISA 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
65-015 anti-HIV-1 Nef antibody, rabbit serum, WB, Dot, IP, ELISA 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
65-017 anti-HIV-1 Nef antibody, guinea pig serum, WB, Dot, Immunoprecipitaion, ELISA 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
65-018 anti-HIV-1 Protease antibody, rabbit serum,WB, Dot, Immunoprecipitaion, netralization, ELISA 100 ul -20℃ 345 Add to cart
65-021 Anti-HIV-1 p24 antibody biotin-conjugated IgG (rabbit polyclonal), WB, IP, IF, ELISA, Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 420 Add to cart
65-350 Anti-Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) IE antibody, mouse monoclonal (62A), WB, IP, IF/ICC, Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
65-353 Anti-Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) IE antibody, mouse monoclonal (62B), WB, IP, IF/ICC, Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
65-358 Anti-Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) gE antibody, mouse monoclonal (#9),WB, IP, IF/ICC, Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
65-363 Anti-Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) gH antibody, mouse monoclonal (OAKK39),IP, IF/ICC, Neutralization, Azide and carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
65-052 anti-HCV Core protein antibody mouse monoclonal (H6-29), WB, IF, IHC, ELISA, Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 349 Add to cart
65-053 anti- HCV core protein antibody mouse monoclonal (H6-29) biotinylated, WB, IF, IHC, ELISA, Azide & carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 315 Add to cart
65-054 anti- HCV core protein antibody mouse monoclonal (H6-29) FITC-conjugated, IF, IHC, Azide & carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 315 Add to cart
65-057 anti-HCV NS4a protein antibody mouse monoclonal (S4-13), WB, IF, ELISA, Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 315 Add to cart
65-058 anti- HCV NS4a protein antibody monoclonal (S4-13), biotinylated, WB, IF, ELISA, Azide & carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 310 Add to cart
65-059 anti- HCV NS4a protein antibody mouse monoclonal (S4-13), FITC conjugated, IF, Azide & carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 310 Add to cart
65-062 anti-HCV NS5a protein antibody mouse monoclonal (8926), WB, IF, Azide & carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 315 Add to cart
65-063 anti- HCV NS5a protein antibody monoclonal (8926), biotinylated, WB, IF/IC, Azide & carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 315 Add to cart
65-064 anti- HCV NS5a protein antibody monoclonal (8926), FITC conjugated, IF/IC, Azide & carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 315 Add to cart
65-067 anti-HCV NS5b protein antibody mouse monoclonal (NS5B-6), WB, IF/IC, ELISA, Azide& carrier free 100 ug -20℃ 315 Add to cart
65-068 anti- HCV NS5b protein antibody mouse monoclonal (NS5B-6), biotinylated, WB, IF/IC, ELISA, Azide & carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 315 Add to cart
65-069 anti- HCV NS5b protein antibody mouse monoclonal (NS5B-6), FITC conjugated, IF/IC, Azide & carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 310 Add to cart
65-101 anti-SARS spike glycoprotein antibody (clone 3A2), WB, IF/IC, ELISA, Azide & carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 210 Add to cart
65-110 anti-Influenza A Virus NP monoclonal antibody (C43), Pantropic, WB, IP, IF/IC, IHC,ELISA, Azide & carrrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
65-111 anti-Influenza A Virus NP monoclonal antibody (C43), Pantropic, HRP-cojugated, WB, IC, IHC,ELISA, Azide & carrrier free 50 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
65-155 anti-Influenza B Virus M1 monoclonal antibody (6A11), Pantropic, WB, IP, IF/ICC, ELISA, Azide & carrrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
65-160 anti-Influenza B Virus HA monoclonal antibody (1H12), WB, IP, IF/ICC, ELISA, Azide & carrrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
65-165 anti-Influenza B Virus HA monoclonal antibody (10B8), WB, IP, IF/ICC, ELISA, Azide & carrrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
65-170 anti-Influenza B Virus NP monoclonal antibody (8C8), WB, IP, IF/ICC, ELISA, Azide & carrrier free 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
65-200 anti-HHV6 gQ1 antibody, mouse monoclonal (119), WB, IP, IF/IC, FACS, ELISA, Azide & carrier free. 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
65-210 anti-HHV-7 gH antibody, mouse monoclonal (clone 2), WB, IP, IF, ELISA, Azide & carrier free. 100 ug -20℃ 345 Add to cart
65-901 anti-Prion protein antibody mouse monoclonal (2C5-5), WB, ELISA, Azide & carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 210 Add to cart
65-903 anti-Prion protein antibody mouse monoclonal (7A1), WB, ELISA, Azide & carrier free 50 ug -20℃ 210 Add to cart
  Antibodies:  Assay kits        
80-001 HIV-1 p24 ELISA Kit “BioAcademia” 1kit 96 assays 4℃ No Stock Add to cart
  Cell lines        
20-001 Hep3B-miR122 cell line. For HCV virus propagation 5x10^5 cells -80℃ 350 Add to cart
  Tools and Devices        
21-001 LeukoCatch II色譜柱。從血液中去除白細(xì)胞 個(gè) 25℃ 100 添加到購(gòu)物車
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